Sunday, June 28, 2009


Friday the 26th we went as the rural economic development group to Villirica to see a successful Savings and loan coop. We had another volunteer come and talk to us about her coop that has failed. the day she got there the coop figured out that the secretary had stolen all of the money. i would have tried to find a new project from that point but she stuck with it, only has 3 months left and admitts that once she leaves they arn´t going to go any further. anyways...we finally got to see a sucessful peace corp story. i´ve learned that most volunteers don´t end up working with the coops that they were assigned. Beore we went to meet our host families we went to the central park where Carinchos live. the worlds largest rodent. they were kinda cute but creepy at the same time. So the night in Villirica was very interesting. Mary and I stayed with the same family. We went to the daughters ¨dance¨ show. It was at this theater, where we watched interpretive dancing, flamanco dancing, harps, and a trio of singers who also played the guitar. There were women in fur coats, nice jewlery, and channel bags. We felt for the first time wayyyy underdressed wearing our hiking boots and fleeces. After the show we went out to dinner..the first time since i´ve been here also. We got to pick what kind of pizza and we chose mushroom and olive not thinking abut little kids. they picked off all of the toppings. oops. we were out till 11. the latest i´ve stayed up thus far.

The next day we met pretty early and went to Yataity to meet another volunteer who works at a coop with women who make Aopo`i a traditional paraguyan clothing. Its very beautiful!! I purchased a scarf, i couldn´t pick what kind of shirt or dress i wanted...I have some time to figure it out though. On our way home we stopped at an American style dinner and had burgers and fries...which was totally need. We returned home at 3 on Saturday.

Saturday night i went to the capilla with my parents for the San Juan festivities. They had carne asada which was braided together. Super rico. Empandas made with Mandioca, and Beju. All traditional foods. Through out the night there were all sorts of games going on. In the middle of everything was a big pole with cana, and money at they very top. the guys were were dressed as girls with masks on had to get to the top by climbing on eachother. but...the pole was greased with pig fat. so it was hillarious to watch. the men dressed as women also played soccer with a ball of fire, then lit a bunch of other stuff on fire too. all in all it was a great evening with the neighbors.

So my cat has sprayed in my house 2 times now since i´ve lived there. Recently in my room. My mom tells everyone its my fault because i have a cat that looks like theirs and their cat smells my cat. I don´t think so. but whatever. 4th of july is coming up and the embassey is having a big party for all americans in paraguay. our training group is going together, and will be the first time we meet other volunteers. It should be fun! Today i am going to watch ramon play futbol later and maybe go the dance. the girls i hung out with last weekend asked me last night if i´d go with them tonight. should be fun.


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